Saturday, May 25, 2019

Gender & Family Life

"In His grand design, when God first created man, He created duality of the sexes. The ennobling expression of that duality is found in marriage. One individual is complementary to the other. As Paul stated, 'Neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord' (1 Corinthians 11:11). There is no other arrangement that meets the divine purposes of the Almighty. Man and woman are His creations. Their duality is His design. Their complementary relationships and functions are fundamental to His purposes. One is incomplete without the other(President Gordon B. Hinckley).” We are constantly bombarded with so much confusion in the world today.  When it comes to gender this is a highly debated and touchy subject for humans in this present time. Movements such a feminism and equality have affected the state of the family. Are men honestly just too overpowered? Are women deprived of so many rights than men? Does gender really play a role in society? When it comes to this subject my opinion might be different than someone else’s. I believe that equality is important and that women were more deprived of certain rights in the past than today. I believe that there was a lot of sexism back in the day, but a lot of that has changed and there is a lot more equality in the world than before. Discrimination is never good. But with so much push for equality, I feel like feminists are going a little too overboard. Discrimination and sexism does still exist but it is a lot better than it was before. Feminists consider differences between men and females a bad thing. But what they do not often realize is that women and men are genetically and modified differently, it’s just plain factual. Our structures, characteristics, and make up, are all different. It is just how God made us. Should we really see the differences between men and women as a bad thing? In reality it’s a good thing! Women have strengths and qualities that men just do not possess. But same goes for the men. Men have strengths and qualities that women do not have. Why would God do this? I think He did it with the intention to show how men and women really do compliment each other. For those that have studied and know the story of Adam and Eve, they can relate to this topic. Eve was made by a rib taken out of Adam when he was formed or made by God. In a romantic essence, one could say that she was a part of him and he was a part of her. They both needed each in order to progress. This goes for any marriage or couple. Your partner has certain things or traits that you may not have. That is okay! Because he or she is their to help you so that the both of you can grow and become one. All these factors and values are often overlooked nowadays. How sad is this. People would rather blame the opposite sex and push others away. Speaking from a man’s point of view, I believe that women are entitled of pursuing whatever sort of career or path they choose to follow. But I do not consider motherhood to be consider something as undervalued. I believe it to be a very sacred role that without their fellow companion they can not accomplish. Men and women need each other. Instead of looking at the differences between genders, let us welcome them! And give thanks to God for making us the way we are today.

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