Saturday, May 4, 2019

Population Growth and The Family

I find the baby boom quite interesting. After World War II, people in the United States were in a state of peace and tranquility. Life could not be better. An effect of this happiness was more couples having babies. There was a huge number of babies being born at the time. Sociologist cannot explain as to why this event occurred. Approximately four-hundred and fifty million babies were born worldwide in nineteen fifty-one. "Baby Boom," was the name that stuck to describe this event. Due to this event however, predictions were made about the future. A prediction was made that in the nineteen seventies and eighty's, millions of people would starve to death due to a rise in population and a lack of resources in order to feed so many people. This would get into people's heads. They would stress over this theory. Many people would want to have more than one child, but others would advise them to be more considerate due to a fear of a lack of food. They believed that if people at that time we're not considerate in having fewer children than those kids and future generations would ultimately be affected. Throughout history, human population has always grown substantially, but it has never grown as much as nineteen-fifty and beyond. Because of this fear, the seeds of a decline of population were taking place. This fear drove people to have fewer children. Fertility has dramatically dropped because of the prediction. People would notice the trends in a rise in population and would often wonder how they were going to feed of these individuals? Although population is still growing, fertility has dropped fifty percent. The rise in population hasn't taken its toll yet. Human population has still been able to grow due to advancements in technology and medicine. People live longer. Many people do not understand this misconception of overpopulation. The news and other sources of media publicize over this issue even today. They report and worry others on this assumption that overpopulation is a huge issue, and that we need to stop this from continuing. If fertility rates continue to decrease, the world will not be able to replace all those living already on it. The number of people leaving on the earth will drastically decline. It is predicted that eventually in twenty twenty-five, total world population is projected to reach nine billion people. However it is also predicted that fifthteen years after that, depopulation will start to run its course. But since overpopulation is such a big issue, is this really to be considered a terrible thing? We must consider what sort of consequences the world will need to face if this event is to occur. There are so opinions floating around as to the number of kids a couple should have. Many of us have often pondered over this question before. Should there be a set standard for the number of kids each couple should conceive? Personally I believe there should not be a set number or standard. From a religious standpoint, I have often believed that God is the ultimate judge when it comes to that decision making. Children are a blessing that come from the ultimate creator. If He feels He must send you two, three, or twelve kids, it is for a reason. He is ultimately putting His trust you and your partner in order to raise this child and help them reach their full potential by instructing them. Providing them with all the necessary resources or essentials in order for them to survive and grow. We are not to worry about overpopulation. The Lord has always provided His children with all that they need. He made this earth for our benefit with all the valuable and essential resources that we need.

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