Saturday, May 18, 2019

Social Class & Cultural Diversity

I have taken the time to reflect a lot this past week. I would like to share a quote that really sets the tone for this topic that I would like to address. "We know that activity in the Church centers in the family. Wherever members are in the world, they should establish a family where children are welcome and treasured as 'an heritage of the Lord' (Psalm 127:3). A worthy Latter-day Saint family is a standard to the world (Elder Boyd K. Packer)." What does this quote mean to you personally? As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints we are encouraged to build up Zion in our homes by establishing strong a dependable families centered around the teachings of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. God does not just desire this invitation to be carried out by only members of His church but He desires all to take upon themselves the initiative in receiving this great blessing in their life. I have seen this in my life. I come from a rich and Latin culture. Both of my parents migrated to the United States from Mexico. Growing up, I was exposed to the culture and life-style of my forefathers. My parents eventually received permitted residency here in the United States. Many other individuals such as myself, have shared this experienced of being raised by immigrant parents. This in our day is a highly rated and very debated topic. Mexican Americans make up 11.2% of the United States population. In July of 2016, it was estimated that 36.3 million people United States residents were identified as being of full or partial Mexican ancestry. The illegal immigration population of the United States peaked by 12.2 million. There are a number of illegal immigrants living in the U.S. today. Why is it that so many people migrate to the United States and leave behind their countries? After serving a full-time mission I was able to notice the difference in culture and how that may affect the status of any family. I lived in the city of Merida, Yucatan for a few months with my father. I was able to understand more fully as to why people might want to leave and have an issue with the status of this country. As many are aware, there is a lot of corruption in Mexico. It is very hard to confide or trust people over there. People take advantage of others. Professionalism is not a thing over there. From an economic standpoint, the country is not as rich as the United States. Parents choose to illegally migrate to the United States also because they want to offer a better life and give more opportunities for their children. Although the benefits of taking this decision are very beneficial, the family is ultimately affected by this decision. Fathers are often the first ones to make the long dreaded trip. Once they arrive, it takes years for the rest of the family to make the trip. What might happen during that whole time? The roles of the family change. Children need a father figure in their lives and mothers obviously need that support. But if he is not present, that will ultimately change the daily routines and roles of each family member. The relationship that the father had previously with each member changes as well. Even if they arrive and everything goes according to plan, it will be as if the wife and kids were meeting a stranger or vise versa. That poses the question, is it really worth the trip? Is it really worth risking the chance of losing your family from an emotional standpoint? I do not oppose anyone that wants to come to this country to better their lives and the lives of their family. I am a prime example of being born of two immigrant parents that met and fell in love here in this country. Thanks to the decision my family was able to join the church and live a better life. If it hadn’t been for all the sacrifices and struggles that they had to go through, I would not be here today. All of the things I have and have achieved are because of them. I am grateful for the life they give me and recognize their sacrifices and now desire to my best so that I can give them and the rest of my family a better life as well. May we always strive to be considerate and appreciative towards our loved ones. And never forget that everything happens for a reason.

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