Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Aging Family

“Whatever problems your family is facing, whatever you must do to solve them, the beginning and the end of the solution is charity, the pure love of Christ.” (-Dieter F Uchtdorf) You will get at a certain point in your life, as a parent, that you will need to tend and meet the needs of not only your children, but your parents and your spouse’s parents as well. Have you ever thought about what sort of experience that is going to be for you and your spouse? Or if you are not yet married, your future spouse? Thinking about it, that time period that you will experience with your spouse will be a period of much stress and responsibility. It is hard enough having to raise a child, but to have to take care of your parents as well will be a tough challenge. Aging parents are not able to take care of themselves due to health concerns. This is normal. To some individuals, this may seem like a burden, but in hindsight, if your parents were able to take care of you, then you can most certainly take care of them. I would not recommend putting your parents in a home instead. Personally, I would just not feel comfortable that decision. I know it would be hard, but they are my parents and I know they would do the same for me because they have. During this time as well, children are developing and getting into their adolescent years. A great time for all parents. It’s something that I am sure they look most forward to. Typically, parents will face many challenges during this stage. They have to understand that this requires much patience and understanding. I am sure this will be difficult because at the same time they will be dealing with aging parents at the same time. But after all these things happen, what happens to parents once the children are all grown up and their parents end up dying? Obviously, this will be a completely different situation than what they are normally used to. They may feel a sense of feeling uncomfortable or emptiness. Why is this? Well a rational explanation for this sense of discomfort may be because the parents had gotten so used to meeting the needs of those around them that they forget what married life was like when they did not have those concerns or responsibilities. Couples may even end up having marital problems or troubles with the relationship. They had spent so much time spending time caring for others that they never truly furthered the relationship and were not able to connect as much as they could have done. I feel like many couples may not realize this, and for those couples that do not end up realizing this because end up losing interest in their partner. And as a result, they may end up divorcing even at an older age. On the other hand, some couples might still end up developing the relationship without even realizing. We each of trials in our lives. Why might be the reason for this? Trials and bad situations in general help us grow individually but in this case, they help us grow as a couple. When we are in the service of others, we often end up benefitting more ourselves than the people or person we tried helping. Although unfair as this may seem, it is a clear indication that is important to help other people in time of need. God oversees all of our attempts and knows we try our best at times. Never lose sight of the things and people that matter the most cause you might end up losing yourself because of it.

Saturday, July 13, 2019


"To you who are parents, I say, show love to your children. You know you love them, but make certain they know it as well. They are so precious. Let them know. Call upon Heavenly Father for help as you care for their needs each day as you deal with challenges which inevitably come with parenthood. You need more than your own wisdom in rearing them." (President Thomas S. Monson) Parenting is essential and impacts any child. It is not just important that we do it, but how we do it as well. You may have heard that each parent has their own “parenting style.” Some parents may say that are more loose or easy going. Others claim that they are stricter and hold their children more accountable for their actions. What is the right approach? How do gain a clear understanding about the way we raise our kids, without having to deal with culture? One thing clear that I think that every parent must understand that is that they cannot control their children. Some parents tend to have a misunderstanding when it comes to this concept. They may think of themselves as superior. They may feel entitled that since they see themselves as “the boss” that they are the one’s on control and children to not have the right to use their agency. I do not mean to offend any parent when saying that this is false. Kids overall are the ones in control of their own actions. Whether they do something right or wrong, it is based on their own free will and choice. Just as our loving Heavenly Father cannot control what we do in this life, neither can parents control their own children. Each parent has a sacred role in raising a child. However, both parents hold the sacred responsibility in teaching their children key principles that God has passed down to His children since the beginning of time. In summary the only thing a parent can do is teach their children. Everything else depends on their choices and actions. Now when a child does something wrong, how do we respond? How should we teach our child in that situation? What is the right way to discipline a child? One thing that I can say is that physically abuse is not the way to discipline a child. That is not the way to go about parenting. I remember one occasion when serving a mission in Guatemala where I met a family that had their own way of discipling their kids. They made the claim that their kids would act out so much that they needed to physically abuse their kids. I even remember us having lunch with them and hearing the father hit one of the sons with his belt because he was acting out. The spirit was most definitely not in the room. We felt so bad for the kid. Even though he had done something wrong, that was not the way to go about things. They even asked us about our opinion on the subject and they got offended by our response. I hope no parent does this same thing. Yes, children will make mistakes and we will feel frustrated at times, but we should think for one second that by hitting a child they will behave. We should look to the Savior and remember how he taught others. Even in the midst of so much hate and darkness, he was able to teach his brothers and sisters with love and compassion. When the apostles would make mistakes, He would never physically discipline them but would teach them with kindness.

Saturday, July 6, 2019


"We do live in turbulent times. Often the future is unknown; therefore, it behooves us to prepare for uncertainties. Statistics reveal that at some time, for a variety of reasons, you may find yourself in the role of financial provider. I urge you to pursue your education and learn marketable skills so that, should such a situation arise, you are prepared to provide." (President Thomas S. Monson) The role of a father is so crucial in developing and providing for a family. I have often pondered over the subject and I have thought to myself, what do I have to do in order to be ready for such a task? Education and the development of personal skills and talents will bless the lives of so many people such as your loved ones. This is not an easy task. I actually consider it one of the most difficult tasks that any man will face in this life. In one of the paragraphs from The Family: A Proclamation to the World it states, “ By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families.” God has taught us through His divine servants the prophets and apostles that fathers have three vital responsibilities in their role in the family. Fathers are to provide, preside, and protect. Now let’s turn our focus to provide. Obviously this means financially. But are all fathers and husbands good for is money? Of course not! This is very important yes, but fathers are much more than that. But we cannot deny that this is essential in order to have a stable home. I come from two very hard-working parents. They have always done their best to try to give me all that I have ever wanted and much more. I am so blessed to have had a father that has put my needs ahead of his. He is a great example and role model for me in my life personally to be honest. I do not think I can ever repay him for all that he has done for me. Something that really surprises me even more is the fact that my father really struggled growing up as a kid. When he was fourteen he lost his father and was forced to live with his grandparents because my grandmother was not able to provide and take care of all of my aunts and uncles. At eighteen he came to the United States and had to adapt to the different lifestyle that there is here in comparison with the Mexican lifestyle. He eventually married my mother and I was born soon after. My father had previously married another woman before marrying my mom and he had three children with her. Overall he has had to provide for a number of children including myself. He did not go to college. He was not blessed with the same opportunities as me or my siblings. And he still was able to start his own business, work, and pay provide for all of us. It has not been easy, especially considering he had to learn how to do everything himself. I have never met a man like my dad. I am so lucky to have him in my life. Not because of all the things that he has bought me, but for teaching me that your children come first and you must be willing to do anything in order to protect and provide for them. Fathers are more than what society sees them as, they are superheroes that change the lives of many children today. 

Saturday, June 29, 2019


"Your most important friendships should be with your own brothers and sisters and with your father and mother. Love your family. Be loyal to them. Have a genuine concern for your brothers and sisters. Help carry their load so you can say, like the lyrics of the song, 'He ain't heavy; he's my brother'." (President Ezra Taft Benson) This week we discussed the importance that communication has in marriage. I believe this quote not only applies to us children but to husbands and wives as well. Your spouse should be your best friend. It is important that you maintain a good relationship with one another. Although this is important, it is no easy task. Just as all friends share great moments with one another, they also experience bad moments. Disagreements, misunderstandings, or fights all happen in a marriage and in a family for that matter. The way we deal with those issues is just as important as fixing those issues. For example when you fight with someone, how do you typically handle the situation? Do you become so frustrated that express your emotions by yelling? Or do you often hide those emotions and instead of letting them out, you keep to yourself and do not even bother arguing with whomever you’re upset over? Personally this reflect on I handle situations such as those. I would have to say that I am more like the second stereotype. Whenever I get upset with someone I tend to use the silent treatment to get my point across. My reasoning for doing this consists of two things. First because I don’t like bothering people with personal things. And second because I don’t like opening up to people. I recognize this is probably a really bad habit to get into. If I’m like this now with other people, just imagine how my marriage is going to like. It’s going to be a struggle most likely. Although I do give myself a little credit for recognizing this. In order to truly resolve an issue, you must communicate with your partner or whomever in order to have true peace. I am an awful example. I do the complete opposite of fixing the situation. Communicate! Don’t be like me! Now touching on the other stereotype they do communicate. But the way those people tend to communicate is not the right way of going about things. Yelling and screaming will never solve an issue. People ultimately struggle with this habit because they often do not know how to control their feelings as opposed to their counterparts. Whatever sort of problem comes up, you need to be able to communicate with your partner and express your feelings and a civil and constructive way. I had an experience not too long ago that relates to this topic. Last semester I got really close to my roommates and was able to gain great friendships with each of them. Towards the end the semester I got upset with one of them over something that they had down. Instead of talking to this person about it, I gave them the silent treatment and did not express this issue. And because of that, I ultimately lost him as a friend. Do not make this same mistake. I really cared about this person and I still do, and I’m ashamed of myself for not saying something and not being able to continue the friendship that we had. I learned from this experience however. Take it from me it’s best to communicate, because you might end up losing a lot more than you think. Be mature with whatever situation comes up and you will be grateful that you did make an effort to communicate.

Saturday, June 22, 2019


"Each of us will have our own Fridays -- those days when the universe itself seems shattered and the shards of our world lie littered about us in pieces. We all will experience those broken times when it seems we can never be put together again. We will all have our Fridays. But I testify to you in the name of the One who conquered death -- Sunday will come. In the darkness of our sorrow, Sunday will come. No matter our desperation, no matter our grief, Sunday will come. In this life or the next, Sunday will come." (Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin) Everyone that I am close with knows how great my parents are. Growing up my friends would often talk about how great my parents were as people. They treated them with kindness. They always welcomed them into our home and made them feel like they were part of the family. My parents were always very supportive of me and knew how much my friends meant to me. We have been blessed to have attended a number of wards ever since we first joined the church. I would hear similar comments from ward members about my parents as well. They saw how special they were, and because of all these people I noticed it as well. I am so grateful to have such wonderful parents. They’ve always given me everything I’ve ever wanted and more. My home was always full of love and support. Although I have been blessed to have been raised in such a comfortable and loving home, it was not always life this. Fifteen years ago, my home was very different than how it is now. My parents and I were not members of the church. We actually did not facilitate ourselves with any religion. We believed in God, but that was about it. In that time period, I saw my parents struggle with many things. My father had been struggling with finding work for a long time. He had issues with drinking and smoking cigarettes. He would cope with all of his financial issues by doing those things. That would cause him to have mood swings and yell at my mother. She too would drink but not as heavily as him. I remember we often have to pick him up late at night from the shop because he would stay their with his workers smoking, drinking, and gambling. He was not able to drive himself home so we would have to go there and bring him home. How do you think my mother about all of this during this time? Obviously she was doing everything perfect but she did struggle with my bad because he was being a bit irresponsible and making life more stressful at home than it needed to be. After school I would walk home and spend hours waiting for my parents to get home from work, and as soon as they would get home, they would start arguing and fighting. You do not want to ever hear two Latino parents arguing. It’s the worst thing in the world. That would hurt me so much. It was literally the scariest and saddest thing I have ever had to deal with in my life. I knew were missing something in our lives. I knew my home was not supposed to be like this but I didn’t know what to do in order to change all this. One day my parents started arguing and screaming at each other and it got so bad that I ran into my room just crying my eyes out from feeling so much pain. I did not want to lose them. I had an impression that I needed to pray. I was six years old. I didn’t really know who or what God was just that He existed. I knelt on my bed and prayed to Heavenly Father that he would do something to change all this. I pleaded with Him, begging Him to make things better and if it came down to it, I would much rather prefer myself to suffer than my parents. I don’t remember how long it took after that moment, but days or weeks later we started going to church and that’s when everything changed. My father overcame his addictions. My mother stopped drinking. My dad was able to finally find work again and provide for us. We received everything and a lot more than we needed just from a simple prayer. You cannot go through trials alone. There will come a time when you’ll realize that you need God in your life. You might have to struggle to eventually find Him, but it will be worth it cause He will bless you in ways you never dreamed possible. Ask and ye shall receive. Pray and He will listen.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Sexual Intimacy

"Just as Jesus used a child in His mortal ministry as an example for the people of the pure love they must and could have to be like Him, He has offered us the family as an example of an ideal setting in which we can learn how to love as He loves. That is because the greatest joys and the greatest sorrows we experience are in family relationships. The joys come from putting the welfare of others above our own. That is what love is." (President Henry B. Eyring) Just as people have a misconception of love, people have a misconception of sex. Why is it that people look at sex as something so negative? The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has described this God-given power as something “beautiful and sacred. It is ordained of God for the creation of children and for the expression of love within marriage.” Satan has led so many people into believing that they may use this sacred power outside of marriage or with people of the same sex. Alma, a prophet of The Book of Mormon, described sexual intimacy outside of marriage as one of the “most abominable above all sins…”  People often forget that one of the first commandments God gave to man was to “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth. “The first commandment that God gave to Adam and Eve pertained to their potential for parenthood as husband and wife. We declare that God’s commandment for His children to multiply and replenish the earth remains in force. We further declare that God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only between man and woman, lawfully wedded as husband and wife.” This is to be done through the sacredness of sexual relations between a married man and woman. What makes this power so sacred however? Elder Holland, a living-day apostle, described sexual intimacy as “you will never be more like God at any other time in this life than when you are expressing that particular power.” When performing such an act, we are dealing with the power of creation. Sex is meant to bring children into this world. Our Heavenly Father, the God of creation, has given us this ability, but we must not take advantage, nor divulge it. This sacred moment is between, you, your spouse, and God. We see so many people today not living in accordance with what God has always taught His children. Many individuals don’t realize how sacred this is and how it can have a negative affect on their lives when this power is mistreated. “We warn that individuals who violate covenants of chastity, who abuse spouse or offspring, or who fail to fulfill family responsibilities will one day stand accountable before God. Further, we warn that the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets.” Media and other social networks are causes for these issues as well. Society portrays sex as meaningless and alright. Satan is heavily at work and only wishes to wishes to cause pain and suffering. If we live a chaste life and apply the teachings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, then he will pour out great blessings in our lives. We will be able to gain a spouse, raise children, and be healthy. Sex is a symbol of unity. We should never allow ourselves to conform to society and do whatever it is that the world is doing. It may be fun in the moment, but it will only be for a moment. Temporary happiness does not bring eternal happiness.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Transitions in Marriage

"Meanwhile, mortal misunderstandings can make mischief in marriage. In fact, each marriage starts with two built-in handicaps. It involves two imperfect people. Happiness can come to them only through their earnest effort. Just as harmony comes from an orchestra only when its members make a concentrated effort, so harmony in marriage also requires a concerted effort. That effort will succeed in each partner will minimize personal demands and maximize actions of loving selflessness" (President Russell M. Nelson). What happens when two imperfect people end up falling in love and getting married? Obviously there will sometimes be misunderstandings, fights, and tension. If you are in search of the “perfect someone,” trust me when I say there isn’t one. Even if there were that special someone, why would she or he end up with you? As harsh as that may sound it’s true. Eternal Marriage is a symbol of unity. Often times I have pondered over this subject. The best advice I can come up with is try to find someone that has certain qualities that you do not possess. We are all imperfect human beings. God and I are the only ones who truly understand myself. I know my weaknesses and strengths. In order to better those weaknesses, I need to look for someone who is good at those things or areas. Although this may seem one-sided, it is not. I hope to end up with someone that will be good what I am not, but I will be have certain qualities that she does not have. And together we shall grow and become better. I am a person that is always thinking about improvement. Just like the rich young ruler in the new testament I often ask myself “what lack I yet?” I am aware that I have a number of things that I need to improve on, but I know I cannot do it alone. I need someone to help me improve as a person, individual, a son, etc. I have been able to obtain all of my strengths thanks to the help of others. Ask yourself when decided on if he or she is really the one for you “is this person going to make me better or worse?” I have seen this concept in my parents. My parents are complete opposites. Their personalities are what make them different. My father is typically the energetic one. Always trying to make people smile and looking for friendship. Striving to connect with people and understand them. I really love him because of how unselfish he has always been. He has always put his kids first. He has always given me more than what I deserve. And that’s incredible considering he came from poverty in a different country. My father struggled and sacrificed much to be where he is today. My mother is quite the opposite. She is nice but is not as open as my father. She is more reserved and the more responsible one in the family. Out of the two, she is always the main one that gets mad at me when I am not doing what I am suppose to do. This may sound bad, but she is the one that wears the pants in the relationship. Always doing what is needed to be done. She is a very professional individual. Although their personalities are quite different, they complement each other. She has helped him become more responsible. He has helped her become more loving towards others. They always want to be together. They cannot stand being away from each other. They do fight but they do their best to try to resolve issues. Find that person that compliments you. And you will see how he or she can help you reach your full potential.

Saturday, June 1, 2019


Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord(1 Corinthians 11:11).” In this week’s topic, I would like to discuss dating. This is not such a highly controversial topic as previous things I have discussed previously. Why is dating so important? Why do we do it? Do we do in a way that’s positive or negative? Or for that matter is there even a correct way of dating? Hearing from past experiences of different individuals and just by analyzing certain different examples from media sources, there has been a constant saying as far as how older people view dating today. Have you ever heard the phrase, “dating is just not how it used to be anymore.” Well that now poses the question what was dating like before? One of my professors this week described talked about how he would go on a number of dates every week. It was a normal thing. But the type of dates that people would go on were a lot more different than any normal date that people tend to go on nowadays. He described a date with three categories. A date is something that is planned. A date is something that is paid for. A date is pared off. Planned, paid for, and pared off. He tied those key points with sacred role a father/husband. Those roles we can find in “THE FAMILY A PROCLAMATION TO THE WORLD. THE FAMILY is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan. Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity. Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities. By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners. Disability, death, or other circumstances may necessitate individual adaptation. Extended families should lend support when needed.” In this quote we find three main responsibilities that a father holds; to provide, provide, and protect for his family. Can we tie these responsibilities with the three ingredients that makes a date? The purpose of dating for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is described as following states, “In cultures where dating or courtship is acceptable, dating can help youth develop friendships and eventually find an eternal companion. Youth in the Church are taught to wait until at least age 16 to begin dating and to date only those who have high moral standards. A young man and a young woman on a date are responsible to help each other maintain their standards and to protect each other's honor and virtue” Now is every date that we typically have like this? Of course not! We often confuse dating with the term “hanging out.” A hangout is most often not planned, nor paid for, and not pared off. Laying on the couch all day and making out is not date my friends. My mind was blown when I heard about this! Hooking up and having a one night stand with someone of the opposite is sex is not a date either. And actually in hindsight, defeat the purpose of dating. Dating is meant in order to get to know someone, not just physically but emotionally as well. You can’t get to know someone through physically intimacy. That creates problems emotionally for both individuals, and is definitely not preparing us to become eternal companions.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Gender & Family Life

"In His grand design, when God first created man, He created duality of the sexes. The ennobling expression of that duality is found in marriage. One individual is complementary to the other. As Paul stated, 'Neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord' (1 Corinthians 11:11). There is no other arrangement that meets the divine purposes of the Almighty. Man and woman are His creations. Their duality is His design. Their complementary relationships and functions are fundamental to His purposes. One is incomplete without the other(President Gordon B. Hinckley).” We are constantly bombarded with so much confusion in the world today.  When it comes to gender this is a highly debated and touchy subject for humans in this present time. Movements such a feminism and equality have affected the state of the family. Are men honestly just too overpowered? Are women deprived of so many rights than men? Does gender really play a role in society? When it comes to this subject my opinion might be different than someone else’s. I believe that equality is important and that women were more deprived of certain rights in the past than today. I believe that there was a lot of sexism back in the day, but a lot of that has changed and there is a lot more equality in the world than before. Discrimination is never good. But with so much push for equality, I feel like feminists are going a little too overboard. Discrimination and sexism does still exist but it is a lot better than it was before. Feminists consider differences between men and females a bad thing. But what they do not often realize is that women and men are genetically and modified differently, it’s just plain factual. Our structures, characteristics, and make up, are all different. It is just how God made us. Should we really see the differences between men and women as a bad thing? In reality it’s a good thing! Women have strengths and qualities that men just do not possess. But same goes for the men. Men have strengths and qualities that women do not have. Why would God do this? I think He did it with the intention to show how men and women really do compliment each other. For those that have studied and know the story of Adam and Eve, they can relate to this topic. Eve was made by a rib taken out of Adam when he was formed or made by God. In a romantic essence, one could say that she was a part of him and he was a part of her. They both needed each in order to progress. This goes for any marriage or couple. Your partner has certain things or traits that you may not have. That is okay! Because he or she is their to help you so that the both of you can grow and become one. All these factors and values are often overlooked nowadays. How sad is this. People would rather blame the opposite sex and push others away. Speaking from a man’s point of view, I believe that women are entitled of pursuing whatever sort of career or path they choose to follow. But I do not consider motherhood to be consider something as undervalued. I believe it to be a very sacred role that without their fellow companion they can not accomplish. Men and women need each other. Instead of looking at the differences between genders, let us welcome them! And give thanks to God for making us the way we are today.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Social Class & Cultural Diversity

I have taken the time to reflect a lot this past week. I would like to share a quote that really sets the tone for this topic that I would like to address. "We know that activity in the Church centers in the family. Wherever members are in the world, they should establish a family where children are welcome and treasured as 'an heritage of the Lord' (Psalm 127:3). A worthy Latter-day Saint family is a standard to the world (Elder Boyd K. Packer)." What does this quote mean to you personally? As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints we are encouraged to build up Zion in our homes by establishing strong a dependable families centered around the teachings of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. God does not just desire this invitation to be carried out by only members of His church but He desires all to take upon themselves the initiative in receiving this great blessing in their life. I have seen this in my life. I come from a rich and Latin culture. Both of my parents migrated to the United States from Mexico. Growing up, I was exposed to the culture and life-style of my forefathers. My parents eventually received permitted residency here in the United States. Many other individuals such as myself, have shared this experienced of being raised by immigrant parents. This in our day is a highly rated and very debated topic. Mexican Americans make up 11.2% of the United States population. In July of 2016, it was estimated that 36.3 million people United States residents were identified as being of full or partial Mexican ancestry. The illegal immigration population of the United States peaked by 12.2 million. There are a number of illegal immigrants living in the U.S. today. Why is it that so many people migrate to the United States and leave behind their countries? After serving a full-time mission I was able to notice the difference in culture and how that may affect the status of any family. I lived in the city of Merida, Yucatan for a few months with my father. I was able to understand more fully as to why people might want to leave and have an issue with the status of this country. As many are aware, there is a lot of corruption in Mexico. It is very hard to confide or trust people over there. People take advantage of others. Professionalism is not a thing over there. From an economic standpoint, the country is not as rich as the United States. Parents choose to illegally migrate to the United States also because they want to offer a better life and give more opportunities for their children. Although the benefits of taking this decision are very beneficial, the family is ultimately affected by this decision. Fathers are often the first ones to make the long dreaded trip. Once they arrive, it takes years for the rest of the family to make the trip. What might happen during that whole time? The roles of the family change. Children need a father figure in their lives and mothers obviously need that support. But if he is not present, that will ultimately change the daily routines and roles of each family member. The relationship that the father had previously with each member changes as well. Even if they arrive and everything goes according to plan, it will be as if the wife and kids were meeting a stranger or vise versa. That poses the question, is it really worth the trip? Is it really worth risking the chance of losing your family from an emotional standpoint? I do not oppose anyone that wants to come to this country to better their lives and the lives of their family. I am a prime example of being born of two immigrant parents that met and fell in love here in this country. Thanks to the decision my family was able to join the church and live a better life. If it hadn’t been for all the sacrifices and struggles that they had to go through, I would not be here today. All of the things I have and have achieved are because of them. I am grateful for the life they give me and recognize their sacrifices and now desire to my best so that I can give them and the rest of my family a better life as well. May we always strive to be considerate and appreciative towards our loved ones. And never forget that everything happens for a reason.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

A Decline in Fertility

Overpopulation has always been a topic discussed by many individuals over many years. Human population has always grown throughout history, but since the nineteen-fifties, sociologists have seen a dramatic rise in population. An event called the “Baby Boom” is the cause to this controversial topic. Although unknown as to why this event occurred, many babies were born. Eventually people started predicting that this increase in population would eventually take a massive toll on the available resources on earth. This would cause many people to worry and change their mentality or way of thinking as to the number of children they should have. We see this controversial topic being brought up even today through media and other forms of advanced communication. People eventually started having fewer children. They fear that the earth is not able to sustain so many people. They even predicted that millions of people would eventually starve once the nineteen seventies and eighties hit. There were about two point five billion people on the earth in the nineteen-fifty. In nineteen-seventy the earth reached approximately three point six billion people. Today there are approximately seven point seven billion people that live on the earth. This assumption or prediction that so many people feared was eventually proved wrong. To this day there are still enough resources in order to sustain seven point seven billion people. Because of this fear however, this has caused a dramatic decrease in fertility around the world. Women are having fewer children in their lifespan. Although population continues to increase, eventually the human population will eventually drop drastically. Now what sort of changes or effects will we see if this trend is to continue? There is a decrease in families living on the Earth. This is not just due to a decrease in fertility but other factors are also at fault. Factors such as individualism, prosperity, the women’s revolution, a divorce revolution, and a sexual revolution are to be accounted for. These new trends are affecting the plans that the Lord has in store for His children. God wants families to prosper on this earth. This negative trend is changing His plans. People do not fully comprehend how important families are in society. Children are the most affected when it comes to this topic. Children are able to have better lives and prosper more in this life if they are in a secure environment. When children are not part of a complete family, they are less likely to be successful.  

Population Growth and The Family

I find the baby boom quite interesting. After World War II, people in the United States were in a state of peace and tranquility. Life could not be better. An effect of this happiness was more couples having babies. There was a huge number of babies being born at the time. Sociologist cannot explain as to why this event occurred. Approximately four-hundred and fifty million babies were born worldwide in nineteen fifty-one. "Baby Boom," was the name that stuck to describe this event. Due to this event however, predictions were made about the future. A prediction was made that in the nineteen seventies and eighty's, millions of people would starve to death due to a rise in population and a lack of resources in order to feed so many people. This would get into people's heads. They would stress over this theory. Many people would want to have more than one child, but others would advise them to be more considerate due to a fear of a lack of food. They believed that if people at that time we're not considerate in having fewer children than those kids and future generations would ultimately be affected. Throughout history, human population has always grown substantially, but it has never grown as much as nineteen-fifty and beyond. Because of this fear, the seeds of a decline of population were taking place. This fear drove people to have fewer children. Fertility has dramatically dropped because of the prediction. People would notice the trends in a rise in population and would often wonder how they were going to feed of these individuals? Although population is still growing, fertility has dropped fifty percent. The rise in population hasn't taken its toll yet. Human population has still been able to grow due to advancements in technology and medicine. People live longer. Many people do not understand this misconception of overpopulation. The news and other sources of media publicize over this issue even today. They report and worry others on this assumption that overpopulation is a huge issue, and that we need to stop this from continuing. If fertility rates continue to decrease, the world will not be able to replace all those living already on it. The number of people leaving on the earth will drastically decline. It is predicted that eventually in twenty twenty-five, total world population is projected to reach nine billion people. However it is also predicted that fifthteen years after that, depopulation will start to run its course. But since overpopulation is such a big issue, is this really to be considered a terrible thing? We must consider what sort of consequences the world will need to face if this event is to occur. There are so opinions floating around as to the number of kids a couple should have. Many of us have often pondered over this question before. Should there be a set standard for the number of kids each couple should conceive? Personally I believe there should not be a set number or standard. From a religious standpoint, I have often believed that God is the ultimate judge when it comes to that decision making. Children are a blessing that come from the ultimate creator. If He feels He must send you two, three, or twelve kids, it is for a reason. He is ultimately putting His trust you and your partner in order to raise this child and help them reach their full potential by instructing them. Providing them with all the necessary resources or essentials in order for them to survive and grow. We are not to worry about overpopulation. The Lord has always provided His children with all that they need. He made this earth for our benefit with all the valuable and essential resources that we need.

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